Executive Director
Phone: 218-748-7651
Email: rams@ramsmn.org

Mayor Rick Cannata Wild RIce/Sulfate rally

New bridge at night photo by P Pluswick

RAMS meets with Congressman Stauber in DC 2021

RAMS visits Cliffs Toledo Facility 2021

RAMS visit to Minntac with State Legislatures 2021

Moon over Queen City photo created by Matt Herberg

Biwabik Mayor Jim Weikum, U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar and RAMS Executive Director Paul Peltier discuss flood impacts on Biwabik and surrounding communities on July 3 at Biwabik City Hall. (Jerry Burnes/Iron Range Today)

Pike Bay Marina Lake Vermilion

2016 Press conference on US Forest Service - Virginia, MN

Itasca Ski Hill

RAMS members met with IRRR Commissioner Ida Rukavina to learn about the production tax.


RAMS Executive Director Paul Peltier and others meet with MPCA Commissioner Katrina Kessler to discuss permitting and regional collaboration efforts.

RAMS hearing 1940

RAMS DC Delegation visit 2021 on land withdrawal

RAMS Board Members with State Legislatures 2022

Tom Rukavina at rally prior to MPCA hearing at MCC

Hwy 53 bridge Nov 2016 photo by F Luomanen

Kawishiwi Falls - Ely MN photo by Adrian Koski 2016


On Tuesday, November 1st, over 120 people from around northern Minnesota attended a Housing Summit in Virginia, Minnesota hosted by RAMS, St. Louis County and the Department of Iron Range Resources in addition to the Hibbing Area and Laurentian Chambers of Commerce.

Pictured here are the committee members who helped set up the Housing Summit.

Survey Results

Our committee sent out a survey to towns and cities in northern Saint Louis county this past summer. In addition, we sent out a survey for area employers. Both of the surveys were distributed at the housing summit and can be viewed here.

2022 Range Housing Survey Employers

2022 Range Housing Survey cities communities for display

Other material that was distributed at the event by various presenters/partners:

Carson Gorecki, the Northeast Regional Analyst with MN DEED, presented us with facts and figures about housing in the northland at the beginning of our summit. His slides can be viewed here: SLCHousingSummitData_11.02.22

HRA Enabling Legislation and Powers

Buhl Housing

Community Housing Planning

Making Housing Happen

2021 St Louis County Profile

MN Affordable Housing Tax Credit


USDA Single Family Housing 502 and 540

LMNC 25 Tools for Cities to support Housing Development

HRA Enabling Legislation and Powers